Your Security Expert
Your Security Expert
Your Security Expert
Security Audit
A security audit allows protecting the IT system resources while limiting the impacts of incidents. BlueKrypt favours a pragmatic adaptation of the methods on the market, adapting them in accordance with the context and the needs.
Penetration Test
A security audit is all the more effective if an intrusion test is carried out simultaneously. Combined with phishing simulations, it makes it possible to define a level of security and to qualify its resistance while raising awareness of cybersecurity.
Code Security
BlueKrypt analyses the evolution of the structural and technical security level of an application independently. The aim is to use code analysis tools to detect security problems residing in the architectural design, but also in the source code.
Standards Validation
Enforced pragmatically, a standard allows resting the security approach on a long-lasting model, ensuring that the measures are adapted to the identified risks. This is the engine of a progressive approach of the security that ensures the long-term viability of the IT system.
Security Training
BlueKrypt aims to transmit its knowledge in the field of security through training adapted to the needs of companies. The objective is to involve all the employees of a company in an ethical and technological approach to enable them to understand the notions of cybersecurity.
DPO as a Service
We investigate, document and remediate potential GDPR non-compliance and help businesses stay compliant. Based on a certified team, we support the business decision-making process with up-to-date, informed and pragmatic advice.
ABOUT BlueKrypt

Legality and respect of privacy
BlueKrypt will achieve its work in full accordance with the laws and rules in force. BlueKrypt will not reproduce nor disclose any private document in agreement with the European law.

BlueKrypt will develop all the skills necessary to the good performance of the requested services.

BlueKrypt works in all confidentiality and in accordance with the agreements signed with its clients in order to protect the data supplied or acquired during it missions.

Transparency of the services
Thanks to its working method, BlueKrypt can, at any time, put the whole set of documents produced in the framework of its mission at the disposal of its client.

BlueKrypt will deliver a high quality service in each mission, in full compliance with the state of the art and the rules of the business.

Some services, as the intrusions tests, oblige BlueKrypt to check that the signatory is the actual owner or authorized representative in charge of the systems on which he requires our action.